Guadalupe Miramar

The community of Guadalupe Miramar is located in the mountains of the Mixteca region in Oaxaca, Mexico.  This coffee comes from a variety of small producers located near the center of the community. The farms’ proximity to the central highway makes transportation of the coffee much easier than in some more remote areas. The coffee farms are small enough that they can use family and communal labor for harvest, and also have their own washing stations at home that they use to wash, ferment, then dry their coffee on raised beds. This community’s self-sufficiency even extends to its governance as it is independently run and elects its leaders annually.

This coffee from Guadalupe Miramar is a great example of what a quality focused approach can bring to the amazing coffees of Oaxaca. The coffee has a subtle stone fruit acidity like a ripe apricot. The sweetness is light like a sugar cookie, with a lasting creaminess of milk chocolate.


Oaxaca, Mexico




Bourbon, Typica



