
Cameron Lewis: Photographer, Illustrator, and Grocery Store Receiving Manager Whisperer discusses his influences, favorite coffees, and the perfect day in Richmond, Virginia.

Friday, May 4th, Blanchard's will partner with the Quirk Hotel Cafe for an Espresso Bar Take-Over during the Richmond Arts District First Fridays. From 5pm - 8pm, Blanchard's staff will offer hand crafted espresso beverages and hand-pours of our favorite coffees. Check out the event page here.
Read more about Quirk Hotel--

John Kruegler has been with Blanchard's Coffee Roasting Co. since 2014. As Director of Education, he heads up training for all of our clients, as well as education programming for the public. Read more about his thoughts on coffee, memes, and the Richmond scene.

Operations Director and Green Coffee Buyer, Seth Bauserman travels to Costa Rica with Ally Coffee on a green coffee buying trip.

A continuing look at women in specialty coffee and updates about Mayela Reyes, Farm Manager at Finca San Jose De Las Nubes, Nicaragua.

There is a special kind of pride felt when a client asks you to send them all of your most exciting, unique coffees in a single order, especially when they tell you they'll be featuring beautiful natural process Ethiopian coffee on the espresso bar.

Jake Hansen joined the Blanchard’s Coffee Roasting Co. team in early 2015. He came to us with a barista background an interest in growing in the specialty coffee industry. He also had a lot of tattoos, so we knew he was legit.

We began our relationship with Finca El Ocaso in early 2015. A young Colombian-American entrepreneur named Daniel Velasquez had recently started an import/export company called Campesino Specialty Coffee, and he was approaching roasters throughout the mid-Atlantic to pitch the single coffee in his portfolio: the Finca El Ocaso Classico — a blended harvest from the Salento, Colombia farm.

Finca El Nogal owner, Noralba Velandia and her three children personally see to every aspect of El Nogal’s production, from cultivation, to harvest, to processing, and finished product.