Finca Las Botijas

David Blanchard, Cameron Lewis, and myself “Seth Bauserman” went on a buying trip to Honduras in 2018. Our goal was to visit all of the major growing regions over the course of a week, meet with producers we were already working with, and establish new relationships while we are there. There were countless coffees and memories, but there was one coffee memory I wanted to highlight here. We were doing a series of cuppings at a mill that we were exporting most of our coffees from. I think we did like 3 tables of 20 coffees. This isn’t abnormal, but it is always a test of your attention and stomach. I don’t remember at what point over the course of the day we tasted Las Botijas, but I will never forget how it tasted. Fresh peach and a light caramel. That was it, and it was beautiful. Far and away our favorite coffee of that day/trip.

Once we tasted this coffee we had to know more, so we changed our trip around a little bit and headed straight for Abel Giron’s farm in Comayagua. Abel was a generous host who took great pride in his coffee. His 3 acre farm contains only Pacamara and he handles all of the picking, pulping, processing, and drying by hand. It is a tedious task, but it comes through in the cup. It is clean and consistent. The kind of coffee you can zone out and enjoy, or dissect with never ending attention.

Finca Las Botijas has become one our most anticipated coffees of the year.

Ever since we met Abel and his family we have purchased every pound he has produced, and we hope to continue for many years to come.


Comayagua, Honduras






Las Botijas


Abel Giron


1500 masl