Las Flores

This maragogype from the Las Flores farm in Nicaragua is a kind of celebrity at the roastery. For one, it is uniquely delicious and the Reyes family only produces a few bags of it each year. It’s like it vanishes as soon as it hits our cupping table. The real fame behind the maragogype is how incredibly challenging it is. The coffee begins to age almost immediately after it is processed so we are always in a race against the clock to get it out to the public. The show doesn’t stop once it has arrived and is loaded into the roaster, though, as the maragogype roasts like a daytime soap opera: everytime you think you know where the story is going, it changes course entirely. But amazingly, after jumping through all of these hoops, we get a cup that is so delicate and intricate that all of the work required to make it doesn’t feel sufficient. And before we’ve caught our breath, it’s gone again until next year.


Matagalpa, Nicaragua






Las Flores


Bayardo and Alvaro Reyes


1350 masl